Author: Jordan OMalley

10 Childhood Memories That Reveal If You Grew Up Wealthy or Poor

Childhood is a time of scraped knees, boundless imagination, and experiences that shape who we become. But beneath the surface of carefree play, the socioeconomic background can subtly color our memories. Let’s look at 14 typical childhood experiences that might offer a glimpse into your financial upbringing without being absolute indicators: Vacations Did your family […]

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20 Memorable Board Games That Have Now Faded Away

Before smartphones and streaming, Friday nights were all about board games. They created battlegrounds on our dining tables, conjured fantasy worlds in our living rooms, and turned us into momentary moguls, detectives, and adventurers. Yet, many have quietly slipped into the shadows, forgotten in dusty closets and attic boxes. Get back into the magic with […]

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22 Unwritten Social Rules Everyone Should Follow

Navigating the social maze of modern life can feel like playing a game where the rules aren’t exactly spelled out. You’ve likely been in situations where someone’s behavior left you puzzled, annoyed, or even downright uncomfortable, simply because they weren’t following the unwritten social rules that, frankly, we all wish everyone knew and respected. These […]

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10+ Affordable Health & Fitness Tips That Work

Embracing a healthier lifestyle doesn’t necessarily mean spending more money. In fact, with a bit of ingenuity and some savvy choices, you can boost your health and fitness without stretching your budget. It’s all about knowing where to look and making small, impactful changes that add up over time. Whether it’s tweaking your diet, finding […]

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Is it a Good Idea to Hire Your Own Kids?

Hiring your own kids in your business might sound like a simple decision, but it’s layered with considerations ranging from legal compliance to setting fair compensation. It’s not just a matter of having an extra pair of hands around; it involves thoughtful planning and adherence to certain principles to ensure it’s beneficial for both parties. […]

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