For many people, missing a single paycheck could mean going into debt. In fact, recent data has shown that only 40% of Americans are able to meet emergencies costing around $1,000 without going into debt. As for the rest of...
Financial Adviser
Are you in the mid-20s or 30s thinking about turning into a self-made millionaire one day? Mere thinking will not take you anywhere but planning and taking the steps right now can make it happen. Becoming rich has no shortcuts,...
The only way to succeed financially in life is by investing your money in a smart manner. It does not matter if you belong to a profession that does not entail making investments on a daily basis, as investing your...
We have loved Jennifer Aniston in many of her brilliant performances over the years, especially her portrayal of the character Rachel Green in the extremely popular TV sitcom Friends. But what many of us did not know is the fact...
Money is indeed meant to be spent, people get jobs and have a career to be able to earn a good amount of money. People spend money on food, shelter, clothing, and other necessities, but people often shop for unnecessary stuff...
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