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Is Investing Worthwhile?

The following is a guest post from Grant Swann.  While we are in the midst of our investment series on Dividends vs Index, this post addresses a basic question on why to even bother investing.  Since a shocking 80% of the millennial generation don’t invest, fundamental topics like these serve as guidance for millennials and a reminder for the rest of […]

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Dividend Investing vs. Indexing – Part 2

This article takes off from the groundwork we established in Part 1.   In writing this series, I have started with the well-supported premise that over the long-term, equities are the best asset class to remain invested in.   In addition to my article on the efficient frontier, there are several excellent books and good resources on […]

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Dividend Investing vs. Indexing – Part 1

Saving regularly and having a zero or manage-ably low debt are important prerequisites for efficient long-term investing. You can’t think of investing until your savings is building up.   If you are a diligent saver or have sizable funds already, this series of articles is for you because it is about investing those savings.   After you are […]

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Financial Independence is Mandatory, Retiring Early is Optional

The title is a line I often use with friends and even in comments I leave on other websites.  There is no compulsion that financially independent people must retire early.  In math, there is a concept called ‘necessary’ and ‘sufficient’ condition for a given outcome.  Without getting into math, a real-life example will make the concept […]

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Happy Factorial 2017!

Dear Readers, Subscribers & Casual Visitors, 2016 was an eventful year.   We’ve seen a lot this year around the world: The triumph of a trumpeting voice in the West, with the dollar being almighty A kingdom not so united in Europe, leaving others to question their own un-union A sea of humanity fled their homes in the Middle […]

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A River Runs Through My Soul

With the traditions of Christmas and other holidays around, Ten Factorial Rocks takes a road less traveled.  One of this site’s goals is to find meaning, and it is about ‘finding yourself’ in a spiritual sense.  Today, I am presenting an unbroken ancient tradition for over 10,000 years – the oldest recorded continuous human tradition.  Unless you have […]

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How Honest Is Your Town?

Where we live is a very important decision in our lives.  For those in high cost-of-living areas, it can motivate their FIRE-seeking journey and for others already in low cost-of-living areas, it makes their FIRE real or well within reach.  The world is full of interesting places with a wide variety of living costs. The earth […]

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