Category: Relationships

14 Dating Conversation Turnoffs to Avoid

Dating can be daunting, but there’s nothing worse than a conversation killer. We’ve all been there: the awkward silences, the cringe-worthy comments, and the moments when you wish you could hit rewind. To save you from potential dating disasters, here are some conversation turnoffs to steer clear of. Talking About Your Ex Bringing up your […]

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22 Old-Fashioned Courting Rituals That Would Shock Gen Z

Swipe left, swipe right—that’s today’s dating lingo. But back in the day, courting was an art form, complete with its own quaint and sometimes bizarre rituals. Ready to be shocked, amused, or maybe even a little inspired? Explore these 22 old-fashioned courting rituals that could leave Gen Z scratching their heads! Formal Family Introductions Instead […]

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12 Things About Dating Boomers Did Right That Gen Z Struggle With

In examining the romantic endeavors of Baby Boomers compared to Generation Z, a variety of dating practices come to light, revealing significant shifts in behaviors and attitudes toward relationships. Here, we explore elements that Boomers seemingly managed better, intertwined with modern challenges that Gen Z faces today. Prioritizing Face-to-Face Interaction Baby Boomers saw the magic […]

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10 Ways Millenials and Boomers Date Differently

We’re living in a romantic revolution! The dating landscape has undergone a seismic shift: gone are the days of slow dances and serendipitous library encounters; nowadays, it’s all about the fast-paced world of swipes and digital winks. But that’s not all that’s changed. Here’s a stat-packed journey through the distinct ways Millennials and Baby Boomers […]

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Pursuit of Happiness

There are many immortal words in the U.S. constitution.   This country was formed on the bedrock principles of guaranteeing all its people life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  Any civil society or even the most progressive government can only guarantee life and liberty but not happiness.   Happiness is an entirely personal and internal feeling, […]

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Seek Independence From Money Prison

What an oddly-titled article from this website, right?  Trust me, it will make sense.  Read on… Does money drive your life?  It may sound ironic hearing this from a guy who has a monetary target to achieve, firmly planted on the name of this website.  But it is true.   Truth be told, I put up that big, hairy, audacious goal (BHAG) […]

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Happy Factorial 2017!

Dear Readers, Subscribers & Casual Visitors, 2016 was an eventful year.   We’ve seen a lot this year around the world: The triumph of a trumpeting voice in the West, with the dollar being almighty A kingdom not so united in Europe, leaving others to question their own un-union A sea of humanity fled their homes in the Middle […]

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